So true, why didn't we see this?
Well, we did... We did ask questions, we did complain, but there is only so far that one can admit reality before you are called an apostate. There really is no free will, or free thinking.
It's called blackmail.
yes indeed, shunning began in eden.
when adam and eve sinned against god, god pronounced a curse on them, handed them some skins for clothes and kicked them out of the house.
there isn't any conversation between god and them after this.. he did converse with cain, but that also ended shortly after he killed his brother.. on the other hand the one that started it all, satan, visited jehovah at his house.
So true, why didn't we see this?
Well, we did... We did ask questions, we did complain, but there is only so far that one can admit reality before you are called an apostate. There really is no free will, or free thinking.
It's called blackmail.
hopefully more are on the same path.
here is the story..... this person i know was the model jw, and them and their spouse could have really moved up.
they knew i was gone and awhile ago started asking me questions.
there are a few things of interest, but the biggest thing to tell is with regard to the amount of times that pornography was discussed.
not just one talk... several.
the last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn.
The last brother had a computer on the table with him as he talked about porn. I thought that at any second, he was going to flip his computer around and say "here's an example, what should we do?"
There was also considerable time spent on booze and violence.
It was also highlighted that there is a growing increase in the number of elders who are being disfellowshipped for adultery.
Since nowadays they don't announce why people are getting DF'd, I just wonder if they say these things in such a way as to "put it in people's brains" that THESE are the reasons people are getting DF'd.
They do not want them to even consider "critical thinking" or "we found out this isn't the truth, so F you!" are the main reasons.
(matthew 12:32) “....whoever speaks a word against the son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the g.b.
or the org, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come.”.
Eight years ago, California considered asking public employees to sign a loyalty oath, " do you support and defend" the United States and California constitutions "against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
"But just how does a loyalty oath guard against such dangers? After all, anyone who is truly disloyal will simply take the oath falsely. No dangerous subversive will be deterred by the requirement of an oath."
"The origins of the California loyalty oath, which all state, city, county, public school, community college and public university employees are required to sign, can be found in the McCarthy era. It was added to the state Constitution in 1952 and was designed, like so many other legal measures of that sorrowful era, not to protect the nation against real subversion but to frighten, intimidate and punish individual citizens for exercising their constitutional right to question and criticize the government....."
"By the end of World War II, with the beginning of the Cold War, most Americans who still had ties to the Communist Party or to organizations with connections to it quickly severed them. But by then it was too late. The most infamous question of the next two decades -- "Are you now or have you ever been ... ?" -- had entered the American lexicon."
What is the ultimatum? the axe-wrenching question that is always asked?
Do you believe this is God's channel of communication/organization?
To guard and protect? or 'frighten and intimidate'? Do we have a 'constitutional right to question and criticize' G.O.D.?
got my curious head on again.... i recall shouting "aye!
" in 1958 and again in 1963 and 1969. in the '63 resolution the wt put the un on notice in an assembly resolution worded something like "the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to god's messianic kingdom by setting up ... the united nations, ... this international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men.
for years men without faith in god's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact, the last hope for humanity.
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
Good job! going during meeting time? Awesome!
So glad you got in and had some alone time. It sounds as tho he has a lot of pressure from the Borg! It sounds like your good planning paid off!
Those will be a rich treasure source for that therapist, and will give him insight into helping your bro. Your loving heart felt support of him will go a long ways into his recovery. I am sure he can see the difference between 'canned replies' (mandated replies all sounding the same... "don't talk to your brother, he will hurt your spirituality" "he doesn't go to the meetings" always talking about the borg & J, vs him ) and their love for him.
If I was in the hospital, I would want someone by my side to laugh and share good times with, instead of going over scriptures and WT articles, right? lol
He will appreciate that, and a bond will grow.
take care p.e.
cha ching.... ps, tell him hi for us!
These are weirdly hysterical! Spot on, thank you all!
we all know that this cult will drive those trying to leave to desperate measures, and today by brother was very nearly one of those statistics.
he slashed his thigh with a kitchen knife and was bleeding out until he called the police.. i got a call on my way home from work from a police officer, coincidentally it was one of my old friends from school who's now a cop.
he told me my brother is in hospital after an attempted suicide and has lost some blood but will be ok. but i should get to the hospital as he's asking for me.
I am so sorry, Pale Emperor... my heart goes out to you and your brother. I remember seeing a post lately of you and your bros, how happy you all looked and felt together. Maybe you can share this with your brother? Can you visit him in the mental health ward? Talk about fun, happy times? Talk with his counselor about the depressing/ oppressive situation he is in?
I am so glad you "walked past" the borg guards "who are you" crap! They deserve no acknowledgement! I am sorry for the way your mom treated you too, JWs are possessed (by the BORG)!
Please keep us up to date, and hang in there. No "promise that you made" to anyone has to be kept if they did not keep their end of the bargain!
cha ching
seen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
My take on it? WT makes it all up.
Why not? Who can check their numbers anyway. They are closing branches, condensing congregations, selling K Halls & property, they already have their cushy retirement home, right?
Remember, we always heard: "Our donations this weekend are below our needs, we need you to donate more for the assembly hall costs" (and they already had met their quota, as they had enough to send $5 - $6,000 to WT land at the end of the day)
If they can reappoint pedophiles, they can make up numbers.
come to "witness world"!
at our new lakeside corporate resort we have a bible museum!
take a picture with caleb and sofia!
Careful, You said it... "the contributions for the tour guide expenses have fallen short, and we know you will 'do the right thing'"